repeat audience

repeat audience
*повторная аудитория*
а) марк. (люди, регулярно покупающие определенные товары или услуги)
б) СМИ (процент зрителей, которые после первого просмотра фильма, выпуска передачи и т. п., смотрят его во второй раз)

Normally the films draw a 2 percent repeat audience; "Titanic" got 20%. — Обычно фильмы собирают повторную аудиторию в два процента; "Титаник" собрал двадцать.


Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "repeat audience" в других словарях:

  • Offending the Audience — is a play by Austrian writer Peter Handke. It is sometimes called an anti play because of its renouncements of theatricality. It was originally published in German under the title Publikumsbeschimpfung in 1966. It premiered in June 1966 at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Repetition (music) — Repeat sign Repetition is important in music, where sounds or sequences are often repeated. One often stated idea is that repetition should be in balance with the initial statements and variations in a piece.[ …   Wikipedia

  • Web analytics — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising Cloud marketing Social media optimization …   Wikipedia

  • E Street — was an Australian television soap opera created by Forrest Redlich and produced by the Ten Network from 1989 to 1993.infobox television show name = E Street caption = E Street title card from late 1989 to 1993. format = Drama/Soap Opera runtime …   Wikipedia

  • Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… …   Universalium

  • Polsat — Launched December 5, 1992 Owned by Cyfrowy Polsat Audience share 13.62% (I X, 2010, [1]) Slogan Włącz emocje (Turn on the emotions) F …   Wikipedia

  • Parasol dance — The Japanese Parasol Dance is an example of a simple Japanese dance that uses an umbrella. The dance is suited for girls making use of shuffling steps that is basic to a typical Japanese.Costume: Bright colored Kimono, a parasol (umbrella), and… …   Wikipedia

  • Clavier-Übung III — Johann Sebastian Bach, 1746 The Clavier Übung III, sometimes referred to as the German Organ Mass, is a collection of compositions for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, started in 1735–6 and published in 1739. It is considered to be Bach s most… …   Wikipedia

  • Torchwood — For plants known as torchwood, see Amyris. For the fictional institute, see Torchwood Institute. Torchwood Series 1 2 title card Format …   Wikipedia

  • Titanic (1997 film) — Titanic …   Wikipedia

  • acting — /ak ting/, adj. 1. serving temporarily, esp. as a substitute during another s absence; not permanent; temporary: the acting mayor. 2. designed, adapted, or suitable for stage performance. 3. provided with detailed stage directions for the… …   Universalium

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